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LEFT JOIN page ON quote.page_id = page.page_id LEFT JOIN quote ON page_quotes.quote_id = quote.quote_id SELECT quote.*,page.page_id2,page.page_title,page.page_slug FROM page_quotes LEFT JOIN page ON page_topics.page_id_topic = page.page_id SELECT page_id2,page_title,page_slug FROM page_topics Cause everyone already knows It's 20 to 1 Yeah, so you better run You got the world on its knees You're taking all that you please You want more (you want more) But youll get nothing from me Youre like the burden we bear You're all the hate that we share You want more (you want more) But youll get nothing from me You got the world. LEFT JOIN image ON page_images.image_id = image.image_id Shinedown - Enemies (Letra y cancin para escuchar) - Listen up / Theres not a moment to spare / Its quite a drop / From the top / So how you feeling down. LEFT JOIN page ON page_related.page_id_related = page.page_id LEFT JOIN wiki ON page.wiki_id = wiki.wiki_id My name My name is worthless like you told me I once was My name is empty cause you drained away the love My name. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Do yourself a favor, protect your hearing. LEFT JOIN image ON page.image_id = image.image_id If you go to as many concerts as I do, or any other loud event. It is to give strength to those people and give them the courage to go to school. This song is an ode to people who got bullied. The song is a testament to the power of music to express the deepest human emotions and connect people on a profound level.SELECT page.*,author.*,image.*,wiki.* FROM page Let’s investigate the top 10 songs of Shinedown. The lyrics and melody work together to create an emotional experience that will resonate with anyone who has experienced the pain of losing a friend turned foe. Overall, top 20 songs about enemies is a powerful and impactful song that captures the complexity of human relationships and the pain caused by betrayal. The bridge of the song builds in intensity, with the singer expressing the desire to escape from the situation and move on from the hurt.

Shinedown enemies ly 720p#
The lyrics describe the feeling of being constantly watched and how the presence of the enemy is a constant reminder of the pain they have caused. Artist/Artista: Shinedown Song/canción: Enemies Calidad del video: 1080p HDCalidad de audio: 320KPS'Traducido al Español y Ingles'Vean el vídeo en 720p - 108. The second verse continues to explore the pain of the betrayal, with the singer reflecting on how the once-trusted friend has become a source of pain and destruction.
Shinedown enemies ly full#
The lyrics are full of raw emotion, conveying the hurt and sense of loss that come with the end of a close relationship. The chorus then hits with the intense lyrics expressing the anger and frustration of the singer towards the person who has betrayed them. The first verse begins with the singer reminiscing about the good times spent with the person who is now an enemy, highlighting the depth of their relationship and how much it has changed. The song begins with an atmospheric instrumental, creating a mood of tension and unease. The lyrics, accompanied by a haunting melody, express the raw emotions of the singer and paint a vivid picture of the pain and suffering caused by those who were once trusted friends but have turned into foes. Heres my Bass Cover of Shinedowns 'Enemies'.Audio has been recorded with my Ernieball Musicman Bongo 5, running into my Darkglass Electronics Vintage Ultra. “Enemies” is a powerful and emotive song that explores the theme of betrayal and the pain it can cause.